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Arlene McCoy / November 23, 2022


8 min read

Why won’t your hair grow any longer?

A common complaint from people with long hair is that their hair doesn’t grow, period. There are several reasons why this may be happening, and we’ll explore some of them here.

You have a short hair growth cycle

We wish we could say that hair has the potential to grow infinitely, but that’s not quite true. On the contrary, the hair has a “pre-programmed” cycle, called the hair growth cycle. The hair cycle has 3 phases: the anagen phase, where the hair actually grows; the catagen phase, a transition phase where the hair follicle shrinks and hair growth starts to slow down; and the telogen phase, where the hair is just sort of sitting on your head–not quite growing, but not quite falling out either. Eventually, it will fall out, and a new hair will begin to grow in its place.

These phases have pre-defined durations. The anagen phase, when the hair is actively growing, can last anywhere between two and six years, and will define the period of time during which your hair will continue to grow. Towards the end of this period, the hair shaft will stop growing–and then, yes, you will notice that you can’t get beyond a certain length. So, in practice, your hair isn’t born destined to a maximum of 30cm of growth; but it may be born destined to a maximum of 4 years of growth (for example).

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You have damage, breakage, split ends, & more…

Sometimes we complain that our hair doesn’t grow, and after all, that’s not what is happening. Hair does grow, but the problem is that we can’t maintain the length due to accumulated damage. The longer the hair, the “older” the hair at the ends, and the more accumulated damage it has. That’s why you sometimes feel that your hair doesn’t grow past a certain point; because it’s constantly breaking at the ends.

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So, if you want to maintain long and healthy hair, one of the best ways to achieve this is to avoid damage. We’ll tell you just how to do that in the next section.

Your hair is growing older

We know that many people prefer to have shorter hair as they grow older, but age isn’t, in and of itself, the reason why you can’t have long hair. It can contribute, sure, but never in isolation.

The fact is that age may play a part in both the duration of your growth cycle and the characteristics of your hair. As you age, your hair may become drier, coarser, and more vulnerable to damage, and as we saw above, damage is one of the main factors that keeps your hair from reaching its fullest Rapunzel potential.

Your diet could use a boost of hair-boosting nutrients

A healthy and balanced diet is one of the main keys to healthy, shiny and silky hair. Essential fatty acids such as omega-3, and vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid all play a part in the development of your hair.

Healthy hair will grow between 0.5 and 1.7 centimeters (0.2 to 0.7 inches) per month, on average. However, if your diet is lacking the necessary nutrients to promote healthy hair growth, you may find that your hair growth may slow down to what feels like an absolute stop. This is one of the reasons why hair supplements are so often a part of hair growth treatments. Here at Care to Beauty, we always like to tackle hair growth from the inside and out; from the inside with a hair supplement, and from the outside with a scalp treatment. We’ll tell you all about that in a second.

How can you make your hair grow longer?

We’ve already covered some of the reasons why your hair doesn’t seem to grow. The problem is, short of speaking to a doctor to figure out whether you may be suffering from some of the most technical of these reasons, you won’t always know the exact reason why your hair doesn’t seem to grow. The positive part is that the tips that we are going to share below will be useful in the vast majority of cases. Let’s start, of course, with the basics:

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